Email Security FAQ


Questions and Answers Related to Email Security


Email Security FAQ


Questions and Answers Related to Email Security

These are the frequently asked questions and answers related to Email Security

  1. I would like a product that I can use where I bypass my provider's SMTP server, because they don't let me send any messages. We don't recommend it, but you can use Email Security for that purpose...
  2. I installed Email Security on my fully updated XP box. It tells me that port 25 is busy upon execution. What should I do? Try to disable Microsoft's SMTP server supplied with the Windows XP Professional....
  3. Is there a way to minimize the window of Email Security into the tray bar? Yes, when you close the main window, it is actually minimized...
  4. Will your Email Security have the ability to choose a different port for sending, such as port 26, because my ISP blocks port 25? It just doesn't make sense, since it will not work....
  5. What is a SMTP connection? SMTP is an acronym for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol....
  6. Is there a possibility to log all relay connections in Email Security? Email Security logs all the messages it sends...
  7. I am trying to use the evaluation version of Email Security. The server always stops sending mail at the 100th email account. Why? We restricted a number of messages you can send to 100 in the evaluation version....
  8. I performed the port 25 test and it succeeded. Why do I get an error that a domain could not be resolved? Use another DNS server that works correctly. Give your ISP a call for details....
  9. Are there any specific requirements to be able to use Email Security? Port 25 is not blocked by your ISP, You must use a correct DNS server...
  10. Why when I send emails to multiple recipients the email addresses of all the recipients are not added to the email header so a recipient can not see all the other recipients listed in the To field of the original message? This is a normal behavior of the program because doing so the program protects recipient privacy and provides an extra security protecting recipients from viruses and SPAM...
  11. How could I be sure that I do not become an open relay for spammers using Email Security? Is it secure in that sense? Email Security will not become an open relay if you do not uncheck the Accept connections from this computer only checkbox...
  12. When I am trying to send a message with a huge attachment, I am getting a timeout or socket error. How can I resolve the problem? Increase the timeout setting in your email client. Set it to at least 15 minutes to avoid aborting of sending on halfway....

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1st Security Agent - protect and secure Windows PC
Security Administrator - protect PC and restrict access
Public PC Desktop - setup public access PC
1st Network Admin - secure network PC

Internet Tools - email and Internet tools, SMTP servers and mass mailers

1st Mac Mailer - use mac for mass mailing
SMTP Relay Server - relay email messages
Mail Bomber - organize email subscription
Best Mail Server - SMTP/POP3 mail server software
Corporate SMTP Server - high-performance mail server

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Mail Bomber FAQ - questions and answers related to Mail Bomber
Fast Mailer Pro FAQ - questions and answers related to Fast Mailer Pro
Local SMTP Relay Server FAQ - questions and answers related to Local SMTP Relay Server
Email Security FAQ - questions and answers related to Email Security
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These are the frequently asked questions and answers related to Email Security

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