Displaying letters in different languages incorrectly


Displaying letters in different languages incorrectly


Displaying letters in different languages incorrectly


Question: I am trying to send email messages in my native language. Sending works fine but received messages look like garbage: no accents, nothing, only unreadable random symbols. How can I resolve the problem?

Brief Answer: Select a correct character set in Options->System and in the General Settings of your mailing list.

Answer: Fast Mailer Pro lets you send email messages in any language correctly without any problems. If you are having such a problem it only means you are using an incorrect character set in your email message. There are two ways available to resolve the problem. If you are sending a plain-text or pure HTML message and compose it in Fast Mailer Pro, you should select a correct character set from the Charset combo box in Fast Mailer Pro's message editor for a message you compose. If you see several character sets for your language, select the one that works correctly. Usually, it will be the Windows character set unless you create your messages in a third-party tool in a specific character set, copy and paste it to Fast Mailer Pro. If you can not find your character set in the drop-down list (usually for rare or complex languages) you can use the second way of resolving the problem. The second way means using Outlook Express to create a message in EML format, which contains the correct character set inside of the message. If your Outlook Express is set up correctly, and does not have any language problems, all messages created in it and exported to Fast Mailer Pro will be sent exactly as you see them in Outlook Express upon creation. Please, read about creating messages in Outlook Express in EML format to get more information on how to create EML messages in Outlook Express.

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Fast Mailer Pro FAQ - Displaying letters in different languages incorrectly

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