Keep passwords secret.

 Passwords are currently the most common form of access control for access to your PC, the applications and files, and the Internet. Since it serves as the key to your identity, your password should remain a secret known only to you. There are several rules that apply to having a good password. Be creative and don�t use dates and names that can be easily guessed. Have more than one password and use different ones for different Web sites. When you use one password and it�s compromised, that means that your access to all the Web sites where it�s listed is compromised. Don�t tell people what your password is and definitely don�t write it down and post it on you computer monitor. Furthermore, while your ISP may need to know your password to access your account and fix a problem, be wary. If you�ve called the ISP and are speaking with a representative, it�s pretty much a sure thing they�re a legitimate representative. However, if you receive a telephone call, even if it sounds official, refuse to divulge your password. Many scams are perpetrated in this manner, and it�s better never to give it out until you�ve investigated who the requesting party is and why they�re requesting it.

1st Security Agent

Mail Bomber

Security Administrator

PC Lockup

Access Lock

Access Administrator Pro

ABC Security Protector

1st Security Agent

Mail Bomber

Security Administrator for Windows

PC Lockup

Access Lock

Access Administrator

ABC Security Protector
