How can users change their passwords from the command line?

 Only Administrators can change their passwords from the command line. The DOS screen below shows how to do it with the net user command:
C:\>net user Administrator *
Type a password for the user:
Retype the password to confirm:
The command completed successfully.
An Administrator can also use the following variation of the net user command:
C:\>net user Administrator newpassword
This variation eliminates the need to type the password twice, and you can use it from a batch file. If users who aren't Administrators try to change their passwords with this command, they receive the following error message:
System error 5 has occurred. Access is denied

1st Security Agent

Mail Bomber

Security Administrator

PC Lockup

Access Lock

Access Administrator Pro

ABC Security Protector

1st Security Agent

Mail Bomber

Security Administrator for Windows

PC Lockup

Access Lock

Access Administrator

ABC Security Protector
