
To engage Profiles, open the Control Panel (click Start, Settings, Control Panel) and double-click Passwords. Use the Change Passwords to manage local and network passwords. Under the User Profiles tab, choose the Users Can Customize Their Preferences And Desktop Settings option and select both check boxes under User Profile Settings.

After you click OK, you will need to reboot. At the first login prompt, type the ID you want to have the highest authority on your computer (by default, you may use Admin or Administrator). Make sure you select a secure password and click Yes to the prompt regarding creating folders.

By enabling Profiles, anyone who logs on to your computer leaves a trail in the form of a folder with the username with which they logged on. This folder is stored in C:\WINDOWS\PROFILES\username, where �username� refers to the user who accessed your computer. Profiles can be preset for future (or current) users, by the master user, known as the Administrator or Admin. One advantage to presetting certain features in Profiles includes the ability to determine what programs can be used and what files can be seen on a user-by-user basis. Use Windows Explorer to add or remove programs under the C:\WINDOWS\PROFILES\ username folders.

Using one PC with User IDs and Profiles enabled, several people can have their own settings on it, such as Desktop wallpaper, Desktop icons, programs they can access from Start, Programs, and more. This can be a particularly useful option for parents trying to secure a PC for children to use because it limits potential damage to critical files

1st Security Agent

Mail Bomber

Security Administrator

PC Lockup

Access Lock

Access Administrator Pro

ABC Security Protector

1st Security Agent

Mail Bomber

Security Administrator for Windows

PC Lockup

Access Lock

Access Administrator

ABC Security Protector
