Protecting Files and Directories

The NTFS file system provides more security features than the FAT system and should be used whenever security is a concern. The only reason to use FAT is for the boot partition of an ARC-compliant RISC system. A system partition using FAT can be secured in its entirety using the Secure System Partition command on the Partition menu of the Disk Administrator utility. With NTFS, you can assign a variety of protections to files and directories, specifying which groups or individual accounts can access these resources in which ways. By using the inherited permissions feature and by assigning permissions to groups rather than to individual accounts, you can simplify the chore of maintaining appropriate protections. For more information, see Chapter 4, �Managing Shared Resources and Resource Security� in Microsoft Windows NT Server Concepts and Planning. For procedural information, see Help. For example, a user might copy a sensitive document to a directory that is accessible to people who should not be allowed to read the document, thinking that the protections assigned to the document in its old location would still apply. In this case the protections should be set on the document as soon as it is copied, or else it should be first moved to the new directory, then copied back to the original directory. On the other hand, if a file that was created in a protected directory is being placed in a shared directory so that other users can read it, it should be copied to the new directory; or if it is moved to the new directory, the protections on the file should be promptly changed so that other users can read the file. When permissions are changed on a file or directory, the new permissions apply any time the file or directory is subsequently opened. Users who already have the file or directory open when you change the permissions are still allowed access according to the permissions that were in effect when they opened the file or directory

1st Security Agent

Mail Bomber

Security Administrator

PC Lockup

Access Lock

Access Administrator Pro

ABC Security Protector

1st Security Agent

Mail Bomber

Security Administrator for Windows

PC Lockup

Access Lock

Access Administrator

ABC Security Protector
